Online Store Design

Client's needs

Not every store owner has time and financial means to afford hiring an interior decorator to design the store’s space, but every owner wants his store to look marvelous. Therefore Bemarc, one of the leading Polish store furniture manufacturers was looking for a convenient way for its individual clients to be able to fill the space of their stores with designer furniture, without having spending vast amounts of money and time.


Along with Bidermann Design studio and Wide Visual Communication Studio we came up with an idea of an online application for setting up store interiors.

Interior architects have designed modular furniture, which can be easily set in various ways and we have made an application which enables its configuration online using a web app. We developed the app in Unity 3D.


In one go an entrepreneur can chose the furniture, set it up virtually to check if it works well together and fulfills his needs, make any changes he wants at any time of the process and order the set of furniture right away. Creating store interiors has never been faster. Facilitation of the process works well for both the manufacturer - our client Bemarc, and his customers.